Books Emanating from ICTMA Conferences
Berry JS, Burghes DN, Huntley ID, James DJG and Moscardini AO,
editors, 1984,Teaching and Applying Mathematical Modelling, Ellis
Horwood, Chichester. (Abstracts here)
Berry JS, Burghes DN, Huntley ID, James DJG and Moscardini AO,
editors, 1986, Mathematical Modelling Methodology, Models and Micros, Ellis Horwood, Chichester.
Berry JS, Burghes DN, Huntley ID, James DJG and Moscardini AO,
editors, 1987, Mathematical Modelling Courses, Ellis Horwood, Chichester.
Blum W, Berry JS, Biehler R, Huntley ID, Kaiser-Messmer G and Profke
L, editors, 1989, Applications and Modelling in Learning and
Teaching Mathematics, Ellis Horwood, Chichester.
Niss M, Blum W and Huntley ID, editors, 1991, Teaching of
Mathematical Modelling and Applications, Ellis Horwood, Chichester.
De Lange J, Keitel C, Huntley ID and Niss M, editors, 1993, Innovation
in Maths Education by Modelling and Applications, Ellis
Horwood, Chichester.
Sloyer C, Blum W and Huntley ID, 1995, editors, Advances and
Perspectives in the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications,Water Street Mathematics, Yorklyn, Delaware.
version of the book here)
Houston SK, Blum W, Huntley ID and Neill NT, editors, 1997, Teaching
and Learning Mathematical Modelling, Albion Publishing
Ltd (now Horwood Publishing
Ltd.), Chichester.
Galbraith P, Blum W, Booker G and Huntley ID, editors, 1998, Mathematical
Modelling, Teaching and Assessment in a Technology-Rich World,
Publishing Ltd., Chichester. (Abstracts here)
Matos JF, Blum W, Houston SK and Carreiara SP, editors, 2001, Modelling
and Mathematics Education: ICTMA 9: - Applications in Science and
Horwood Publishing, Chichester. (Horwood
catalogue entry)
Ye Q, Blum W, Houston SK and Jiang Q, editors, 2003, Mathematical Modelling in Education and Culture: ICTMA 10, Horwood
Publishing, Chichester, 330 pp. [ISBN: 1-904275-05-2]
catalogue entry)
Lamon S, Parker W and Houston K, editors, 2003, Mathematical
Modelling: A Way of Life: ICTMA 11, Horwood
Publishing, Chichester, 267 pp. [ISBN: 1-904275-03-6]
catalogue entry)
Haines C,
Galbraith P, Blum W and Khan S, editors, 2007, Mathematical
Modelling: Education, Engineering and Economics (ICTMA 12),
Chichester: Horwood Publishing. 492 pp. [ISBN:
catalogue entry, Contents and abstracts here,
Book review here)
Lesh, R, Galbraith, PL, Haines, CR, and Hurford, A, editors, 2010, Modeling Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: ICTMA13,
Springer, New York, Xiv, 651 pp. [ISBN 978-1-4419-0560-4]
catalogue entry)
Kaiser, G, Blum, W, Borromeo Ferri, R, and Stillman, G, editors, 2011, Trends in Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling,
Springer, New York, xiii, 720 pp. [ISBN 978-94-007-0909-6] (Springer
catalogue entry)
Stillman, G. A., Kaiser, G, Blum, W., and Brown, J. P., editors, 2013, Teaching Mathematical Modelling: Connecting to Research and Practice,
Springer, Dordrecht. xvi, 627 pp. [ISBN 978-94-007-6539-9] (Springer
catalogue entry)
Stillman, G. A., Blum, W., and Biembengut, M. S., editors, 2015, Mathematical Modelling in Education Research and Practice: Cultural, Social and Cognitive Influences, Springer, Cham. [ISBN: 978-3-319-18272-8] (Springer catalogue entry)
Stillman, G. A., Blum, W., and Kaiser, G., editors, 2017, Mathematical Modelling and Applications: Crossing and Researching Boundaries in Mathematics Education, Springer, Cham. [978-3-319-62967-4] (Springer catalogue entry)
Stillman, G. A., Kaiser, G., and Lampen, C. E., editors, 2020, Mathematical Modelling Education and Sense-making, Springer, Cham. [ISBN: 978-3-030-37673-4] (Springer catalogue entry)
Leung, F. K. S., Stillman, G. A., Kaiser, G., and Wong, K. L., editors, 2021, Mathematical Modelling Education in East and West, Springer, Cham. [ISBN: 978-3-030-66996-6] (Springer catalogue entry)
Books Emanating from ICTMA's Topic Study Groups at ICME
Blum, W., Galbraith, P., Henn, H.-W., & Niss, M. (Eds.) (2007). Applications and modelling in mathematics education. The 14th ICMI study. New York: Springer. Xiv, 521 pp.
[ISBN: 978-0-387-29820-7] (Springer catalogue entry)
Greefrath, G. and Vorhölter, K., editors, 2016, Teaching and Learning Mathematical Modelling: Approaches and Developments from German Speaking Countries, Springer, Cham. [ISBN: 978-3-030-14933-8] (Springer catalogue entry)
Stillman, G. A. and Brown, J. P., editors, 2019, Lines of Inquiry in Mathematical Modelling Research in Education, Springer, Cham. [ISBN: 978-3-030-14933-8] (Springer catalogue entry)
Wess, R., Klock, H., Siller, H-S., Greefrath, G., editors, 2022, Measuring Professional Competence for the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling, Springer, Cham. [ISBN: 978-3-030-78073-9] (Springer catalogue entry)
Greefrath, G., Carreira, S., and Stillman, G. A., editors, forthcoming , Advancing and Consolidating Research on Applications and Modelling in Mathematics Education: Approaches from
ICME 14, Springer, Cham. [ISBN: 978-3-030-78073-9] (Springer catalogue entry)